
Its presence may not always be visible, but its impact remains significant, resonating deep within, shaping who we are and who we become. In the face of this, we gather courage from others, united by the belief that our weight becomes lighter when shared with compassionate souls who walk beside us.

Today, in this collective effort, we unite our voices with the mission to heal from the scars left by boundary violations. Together, we release the shame that has silently shackled us for far too long, liberating ourselves from the heavy chains of self-doubt and fear. We consciously choose to let go of the burdens that weigh us down, embracing a future where boundaries are honored, cherished, and protected, where healing is not just a distant dream but a tangible reality.

Will you do something extraordinary with the baggage you carry? Allow what was meant for harm to be used for good, and the saving of many.

Join us, inspire others, and live out loud!



As a child passed by the elephants, she stopped abruptly. She was puzzled to see these massive creatures being restrained by only a small rope tied to their front leg. There were no heavy chains or barred enclosures. It was clear that the elephants had the strength to break free whenever they wanted, yet they chose to stay right where they were. Intrigued and seeking an explanation, she approached a nearby trainer and asked why the animals were content with their captivity. The trainer responded,

“When they are very young and much smaller, we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe that they cannot escape. They truly believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

These magnificent creatures could be released from their bonds at any moment! If only they could see the strength that lay within, waiting to be unleashed, but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

Addressing the Elephant in the room.

Having our boundaries broken in childhood, whether severe or something that we tend to sweep under the rug, can have lasting effects throughout our lives.

These broken boundaries, left unaddressed, keep us in bondage to our past. It is as if we are the elephant, tied to the boundary placed on us at a young age, unable to see that we have the power to break free.

We tried before, but it felt too hard, the burden too strong. Yet, despite this, we must realize that we are not alone and can break the chains that have kept us shackled for far too long.

We hold the key to our own liberation; we must only decide for ourselves, believe, and have the courage to take that step towards breaking the silence.